Dolphin too strong for Black Sheep

nov 13, 2018 | Derde divisie, Laatste nieuws

Last Saturday (November 11th) Black Sheep played against the always strong Dolphin team from Utrecht. Well-known names such as Kees Slagmolen and Ruud Molenaar are on their list of players.

Black Sheep had already prepared for a tough evening of ice hockey. Black Sheep has grown over the past period and can now cope better with high pressure from our opponents.
We better preserve the peace and do not let us snatch out of our game so quickly.
But an opponent like Dolphin breaks the resistance at one point. On one hand due to (stupid) mistakes on our part on the other hand by continuously keeping the pressure on.

We have resisted, but it did not help.
Last season we lost from Utrecht with 15-0. So there is progress in our game.

Period settings 2-0 | 4-0 | 3-1

Video wrap is placed on our video page, vimeo and youtube channel.

The next game will be against the Dutch Dukes from Tilburg. This game will be played on Saturday November 17th. It will be played at Stappegoor- Tilburg and starts at 21.15 PM.

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018

Dolphin versus Black Sheep 10112018


Next Game

19 January 2025 19:30 PM

Ice hawks - black sheep

